September 6, 2011

Test slideshare

September 5, 2011

Hot Potatoes and Grammar Activities

October 3, 2008

I worked with several teachers today designing activities using ‘Hot Potatoes’ software. Hot Potatoes is free downloadable package. It is not fully functioning until you register the software and you will need to provide a school email address.

The main focus in this school is developing Cloze activities.
Click on JClose. Type in the text as it appears in the book. Highlight the focus word and click on Gap. Add a clue or leave it blank. When finished click on Save. To see the activity as a webpage click on the Export button . Save the file and then open it by clicking View the exercise in my browser
When the webpage opens you will need to teach the children to activate the page by clicking on
Select Add Blocked Content Click Yes.
Students click in the text boxes and type the answer. Click on the question marks for clues or click on the Hint button for the first letter of the answer. When they have finished all of the boxes the software will calculate the total of correct answers.

PowerPoint, Reading and Fluency

October 3, 2008
Ofa is trying to develop her children’s fluency in reading and wanted some ideas using ICT. We thought of how we could use PowerPoint and the children’s instructional readers. Type in the story exactly as how it appears in the book, a page a slide, highlight the spoken text in different colours to indicate which character is speaking at the time. Don’t forget to save the PowerPoint as a ‘Show’ rather then presentation which will mean it will open up directly into a slideshow. As an added extra you could record different children’s voices reading the narration and character parts.

Recount Writing

October 3, 2008

Jack’s Year 5/6 Class are writing recounts at the moment. Some of the children are using a recount framework created in Inspiration




The structure of the template guides the children through writing an introduction (with notes reminding them about Where, when, why, how etc). The body part of the template has notes attached with examples of ‘vigorous verbs’, ‘awesome adjectives’ and good examples of starters for sentences and linking sentence words. Finally the conclusion box reminds the writer how to finish their recount.

KidPix and Writing

October 2, 2008

Caridad’s class are using KidPix for report writing. Children are selecting a background picture in KidPix and then use the textbox button to type in their report over the top of the background picture.

As an extra they can add graphics to the background picture. This is a great motivator for reluctant writers

Literacy & ICT Ideas and Activities

October 2, 2008

Welcome to my Literacy & ICT blog. I have many ideas that I have shown teachers over the years, now I am going to document them online. Some of these are repeated on my other blogsites. Some of the ideas are ones that I have used for years, forgotten about and now resurrecting them in Twenty first century style! I hope you find them helpful!